
Student innovative invention competition" and the "Hong Kong School Creative Paper Plane Competition

In order to promote STEAM education in primary schools in Hong Kong and provide a platform for schools to communicate, the CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School held the "Student innovative invention competition" and the "Hong Kong School Creative Paper Plane Competition" for the fourth consecutive year, and on April 27 A joint award ceremony was held on the same day. The total number of registrations for the two competitions has exceeded 7,000. More than 170 representatives from 32 schools attended the award ceremony. Our school hopes to encourage local primary school students to continue to conduct innovation and technology research and development by organising inter-school competitions and related activities, contributing to STEAM education in Hong Kong’s academic circles, and cultivating future innovation and technology talents.


Photo Link:https://photos.app.goo.gl/op3TshmSnQsEYs5R8