
2024 National Security Outstanding Lesson Plan Design Award

The Panel Head of Citizenship and Social Development, Mr. POON Sen Kin has adopted the approaches of “diversified strategies, organic integration, natural connection, mutual coordination, learning within and beyond the classroom, whole-school approach” in his CS lessons with a strict alignment with the curriculum objectives. He has participated “2024 National Security Outstanding Lesson Plan Design Selection” co-organized by the Education Bureau and the Security Bureau. The design of his lesson plan focuses on ecological security and it shows his enthusiasm in promoting cross-subject collaboration regarding national security education with self-autonomous learning and diversified learning and teaching strategies and thus, his students can deepen their “Root in Hong Kong, Heart in China, and Outlook on the World.”


Overall, he has received Outstanding Lesson Plan Design Award (Secondary Teachers Section in English) as an encouragement. In the Prize Presentation Ceremony, he shared his creative thoughts on strengthening the awareness and the sense of responsibility of students in safeguarding national security, and nurturing a new generation of young people with an affection for our country and for Hong Kong, as well as capitalizing on Hong Kong's strengths to serve the country's needs in the future and proactively take forward new quality productive forces and high-quality development of the motherland.