2019 Maths & Sci Trail Competition

2019 Maths & Sci Trail Competition


Our school organize “Mathematics and Science Trail” every year to promote exchanges among schools and the application of Mathematics and Science knowledge. We believe that the activities would arouse students’ interest in the discipline and your students would be inspired through the event. The competition this year will be held on Saturday, 23rd November 2019. The details of the competition are as follows:

Registraion  ►► Entry Form (http://gg.gg/cckmst)
Enrollment Deadline:18/10/2019
Winning team of 2018
Gold Prize Group Students
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Lee Kam Primary School M1 梁鈞堯  曾銘聰  梁豐
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Ho Yat Tung Primary School I1 莊瀚榛  陳梓傑  李卓謙  郭正堯
Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui) F2 屈智城  陳穆星  李思卓  余光裕
Silver Prize Group Students
Taoist Ching Chung Primary School (Wu King Estate) K1 葉慶豫  陳溢熙  黃焯風  鄭鴻熙
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Wu Siu Kui Memorial Primary School N2 謝宇軒  黎嘉智  駱晨鑫  徐浩亨
CNEC Ta Tung School R3 林馨彤  馮姝麗  鄭志滔  林華靖
Taoist Ching Chung Primary School (Wu King Estate) K2 周俊杰  周文喬  黎政諾  黃譯鋒
CNEC Ta Tung School R5 梁曉靜  鄭日陽  陳靜儀  韋佳瑜
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Ho Yat Tung Primary School I3 謝朗生  鄭焯堯  伍峻廷  黎子霖
Yuen Long Government Primary School Q4 黃洛驄  周子茗  馮燁坤  張海文
Bronze Prize Group Students
CNEC Ta Tung School R1 林洪鳴  程俊豪  周美吟  司徒焯嵐
TWGHs Tang Shiu Kin Primary School E4 葉嘉熙  葉浩德  梁曉琳  曾浩天
Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui) F3 黃尚  莊穎詩  邱澤琪  林嘉雯
Lok Sin Tong Leung Wong Wai Fong Memorial School D1 麥卓軒  梁允豪  潘昫璁  歐陽逸泰
Y.O.T. Madam Lau Wong Fat Primary School B1 盧德豐  曾天佑  陳偉樂  陳泓希
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Lee Kam Primary School M5 吳鑫宇  周靜欣  盧韻琍
Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui) F1 梁銘津  梁耀熙  彭冠力  孫景羲
Yuen Long Po Kok Primary School C4 陳學川  鄭庭輝  李顥瀚  姜啟霆
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Wu Siu Kui Memorial Primary School N1 黃梓滔  馮婉卓  戴竣賢  凌晉謙
TWGHs Tang Shiu Kin Primary School E1 羅柏傑  高銘謙  李帆  羅霏凡
Yuen Long Po Kok Primary School C2 梁嘉浩  廖志恆  趙晋康  趙澤堅
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Lee Kam Primary School M2 陳彥希  楊子慧  葉凱恩  殷珈喬
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Ho Yat Tung Primary School I2 黃絡謙  袁曉匡  陳希銣  何皓昕
PLK Leung Chow Shun Kam Primary School H2 梁樂軒  楊尚宇  嚴浩銘  萬德謙
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Lee Kam Primary School M3 文玨禧  趙翊翔  廖子毅

Registraion  ►► Entry Form (http://gg.gg/cckmst)

                                 (Enrollment Deadline:18/10/2019)

Other Link  ►► 2018 Competitions
                         ►► 2017 Competitions
                         ►► 2016 Competitions